Best coffee mug EVER...

I often write my dreams down whenever I can remember them. They are an endless source of wonder and amusement to me. This is one of my favorites:
At work, I see a co-worker coming out of the break room, cup of coffee in hand, but I notice that the coffee is shimmery and bubbling, and little sparks are flying from the top of the cup. I ask her "Whoa! What's up with the coffee?" and she says "Oh, it's magic coffee." without missing a beat. I just look at her, perplexed, at which point she waves me over to the break room. On the counter, instead of a coffee maker I see 3 tiny leprechauns stirring a big ole pot of joe. I turn to my co-worker with a confounded look on my face, and she deadpans "Let's go downstairs." We ride the elevator to the lobby, exit the building and walk next door into a hardware store. A sales clerk approaches us and asks if we need help finding anything. My co-worker replies "Yes, can you–" then immediately pulls a magic wand from her purse, waves it at the poor clerk and turns her into a leprechaun just like the ones in the break room. She pockets the little sprite, turns to me and nonchalantly says "We'll get 3 more then leave."