Monday, March 10, 2008

You Can't Always Get What You Want

The cruel Gym Gods aren't letting me slack off. Or I'm just a retard. We'll go with the latter. I was at the supermarket yesterday and they had a nice big Guinness display up front. I couldn't even remember the last time I brought any beer home. Nowadays, it's just red wine for me, and even then I'll imbibe only occasionally. So I figured hell, it's on sale, it'd be a crime not to hoist 1 or 5 for good ole St. Paddy, and goddamn if that beautiful dark obelisk of a display wasn't calling me from the parking lot, so I picked up a case. Fuck you, liver! Yay. I get home, drop off the groceries and head back out to run some errands. Then as I'm heading home a couple hours later I come to the horrible realization that I never unloaded the case from the back of the car. In fact, the case never even made it to the car. It lay forgotten in the bottom rack of the shopping cart as I drove off completely unawares! Some low rent motherfucker's enjoying my brew right now!! Eh, circle of life. Some things just aren't meant to be. And I'm a retard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
